How To Find A Word In A Document

  1. Free Microsoft Word

One of the most convenient ways to enter, edit, or view the SharePoint metadata for a Microsoft Word document (or other Microsoft Office document) is to use the Document Information Panel (DIP). For Office documents that are not stored in SharePoint, the panel can be used to view and edit the Document Properties fields that are built in to Office documents. When opening a document uploaded to a SharePoint Library, the DIP often opens automatically. It’s very easy for a user to accidentally (or sometimes on purpose) hide the DIP: This is done by simply clicking on the “X”, as shown below. Once it’s closed, however, the user may not know how to open the Document Information Panel again. Here’s how.

  • Go to the Home tab and select Find, or press Ctrl + F. In older versions of Microsoft Word, select File File Search. In the Navigation pane, enter the text you want to search for. A list of matching words displays in the Navigation pane and instances of the word are highlighted in the main document.
  • Go under Home tab into Editing section and press on 'Find'. In the new window type the word you wish to find and click on 'Find next'.
  • Enter the word or phrase you want to locate in the Find box. Enter your new text in the Replace box. Select Find Next until you come to the word you want to update.
  • Once the document is complete though, you need to let everyone working on it know just that. You can accomplish this with a politely worded email that no one will read. The better solution is to simple mark a document as final in MS Word. When you mark a document as final in MS Word, it adds a banner at the top of the document.

Open the Document Information Panel Through the Backstage


In the left navigation panel, click the Info category. On the right side of the screen, click the Properties drop-down and choose Show Document Panel. There you have it, four simple clicks to open the Document Information Panel in Word (or Excel or PowerPoint).

Unfortunately, once the DIP has been closed, it’s not so obvious how to show the it again. However, it’s not difficult to open the DIP, either. Click the Filetab to go to the Backstage area. Global wireless port devices driver download for windows. In the left navigation panel, click the Info Hsds usb devices driver. category. On the right side of the screen, click the Propertiesdrop-down and choose Show Document Panel.

There you have it, four simple clicks to open the Document Information Panel in Word (or Excel or PowerPoint).

Free Microsoft Word

Hercules others driver download. To learn more about working with metadata in Microsoft Office documents in SharePoint Libraries, plus lots of other document management tools, techniques, and strategies, take a look at our class Designing SharePoint Document Management and Records Management Systems in SharePoint 2010. In the course we dig deep into the interaction between SharePoint Library metadata and Word. We develop Word templates associated with Content Types; these templates include fields for the Library metadata inside the document body as well as being visible and editable through the Document Information Panel. We offer additional SharePoint training as well.