Song Rating

  1. Song Rating Sites
  2. The Last Song Rating
  3. Song Rating C
  4. Song Rating Websites

Amy Lee's latest is a take-no-prisoners battle for redemption. Demi Lovato Surveys the Wreckage of the Past on ‘Dancing With the Devil. The Art of Starting Over’. Posted in: Album Reviews. Dec 04, 2013 All of your absolute favorite songs will end up here. This pretty much the highest rating, except 5 Stars = Perfection. You won't have many of these songs in your catalog of music. You probably won't know it's a 5-star song until you've heard it a hundred times as a 4-Star song. Five stars are extremely rare. Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage. 500 Greatest Songs of All Time Rolling Stone’s definitive list of the 500 greatest songs of all time. Audience Reviews for The Long Song: Series 1. July's life was hard but it was beautiful. She was far from the saint others have claimed her to be. She believed the lies about people.

  • EN

In Musicnizer, you can rate your music albums and individualsongs. As of this writing, the two ratings are to be set independently.

For individual songs, rating can be set in the 'Edit info' window:

In the lower part of the window, all tracks of the album are displayed. Inthe 'Rating' column, click stars to set rating. One star is one point, so yourrating can be from 1 through 5.

In the 'Edit info' window, you can also rate the entire album. Just enter avalue from 1 through 10 into the 'My rating' field on the left.

On the album's page the ratings look like this (the Modern interface isused):

The album rating is displayed under the cover art, on the left ('Myrating'). Here you can also change it by clicking the stars. Each starrepresents two points, so each half of a star can be clicked separately.

Album ratings can further be used in different places. For example, the'Best rated' tab on the home page shows albums sorted by rating:

The entire album list can also be sorted by rating. Just select 'Manage' -'Sort album list by' - 'My rating':


At the bottom of the album list, you can apply a filter to display albumsrated better than a certain value:

On the 'Search' tab, ratingvalues can be used as a part of a search request.

Besides the described options, album rating is also available on the 'Collection' tab and in Reports. In addition to showingexact rating values in Reports, Musicnizer can build reports with your albums sortedby rating.

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The Million Song Dataset is a freely-available collection of audio features and metadata for a million contemporary popular music tracks.

Its purposes are:

  • To encourage research on algorithms that scale to commercial sizes
  • To provide a reference dataset for evaluating research
  • As a shortcut alternative to creating a large dataset with APIs (e.g. The Echo Nest's)
  • To help new researchers get started in the MIR field

The core of the dataset is the feature analysis and metadata for one million songs, provided by The Echo Nest. The dataset does not include any audio, only the derived features. Note, however, that sample audio can be fetched from services like 7digital, using code we provide.

The Million Song Dataset is also a cluster of complementary datasets contributed by the community:

Song Rating Sites

  • SecondHandSongs dataset -> cover songs
  • musiXmatch dataset -> lyrics
  • dataset -> song-level tags and similarity
  • Taste Profile subset -> user data
  • thisismyjam-to-MSD mapping -> more user data
  • tagtraum genre annotations -> genre labels
  • Top MAGD dataset -> more genre labels

The Million Song Dataset started as a collaborative project between The Echo Nest and LabROSA. It was supported in part by the NSF.

How to get started

To get a sense of the dataset, you can look at this description of one of the million songs.

To start your own experiments, you can download the entire dataset (280 GB). We also provide a subset of 10,000 songs (1%, 1.8 GB compressed) for a quick taste.

The Last Song Rating

While waiting for the download, take a look at the FAQ, which includes a list of all the fields in the database.

We also have a set of suggested tasks, including snippets of code to get you started.

Please contact us if you have any questions about the dataset and how to use it. You can also try browsing and posting on our forum (registration required).

Using the dataset?

Song Rating C

Please cite the following paper [pdf] [bib]:

Song Rating


The Million Song Dataset was created under a grant from the National Science Foundation, project IIS-0713334. The original data was contributed by The Echo Nest, as part of an NSF-sponsored GOALI collaboration. Subsequent donations from,, and, as well as further donations from The Echo Nest, are gratefully acknowledged.

Song Rating Websites

Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors.